Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yeah Right! so you started a blog and so what?

Mechan started this, invited everybody, I come here and see nothing - it suits the page title - the big white board - big, white and blank!

Here you go - Kick off -

Apaps babe can start off with the story of his Office Hottie (OH) :-)


Hari Nair said...

What makes a white board such and important tool for communication? When you write on a white board you communicate in more than one mode. You write, you talk, you draw and heck even your body language convays a lot to the recipient. You can draw your thoughts, create crazy drawings and even the order in which you put together convays something very important.

So continuing in the grand tradition of white boarders, my act of creating a blog and inviting you all should be seen as a noble and noteworthy act requiring high praise. :-)

Hari Thampi said...
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Hari Thampi said...

mechan akramam thudangiiii

Hari Thampi said...
