Thursday, October 30, 2008

New members!

Adding Odi and Pakku to the group.

To the NSS in laws, Odi - some times randomly referred to as Preethi is the best female model ever to have walked the ramp in NSS.

Pakku or Paks - again some ignorant folks call her Sabitha,is now in her own words "proud owner" of a 36 day old baby. Congratulations on your new ownership! Here's wishing you own more and more.

Both are known for their sometimes good and almost always unbearable chalams!

So far there are two NSS in laws here - Meera and Anita.

Meera is the lucky girl who got my nod and Anita is under coaching to be inducted to the Padmanabhan family.

:-)))) I will end up with some bruises and cuts today, but it is worth it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The happening - By Kiran (Night?) Karthikeyan

It has happened!

We can glean from our trusted correspondent Anita Shekhar-[soon-to-be]padmanabhan that the program manager has been managing more than his scheduled program in office.

A random mention of this happening resulted in a hasty retort and a threat from this oldest standing bastion of unadulterated bachelorhood.

Close friends and pals are now questioning his Joe the Mo.

Will appappan come clean and set the story right? Will we be able to coax more infor from our trusted correspondent? Dark Lord Sauron Agent 007 Ganesh Padmanabhan is at work to coax more info from our correspondent.

What will happen of this nail biting, gut wrenching saga? Only time will tell...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yeah Right! so you started a blog and so what?

Mechan started this, invited everybody, I come here and see nothing - it suits the page title - the big white board - big, white and blank!

Here you go - Kick off -

Apaps babe can start off with the story of his Office Hottie (OH) :-)