Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

I am not dead

For those of who think, I am dead and it is my abused keyboard replying to your emails out of habit, I will be in India on August 9th.

Looking forward to meeting you guys there.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Its been almost two years since we saw anything here

The last time we were on this e-space, we were discussing Appapan's nighttime trysts. Ever since then, things have changed so much...

Appapan has a Mrs. Appapan :). Anita has successfully graduated into the Padmanabhan household. Kattu has one more produce!! Pakku and odichi joined in, just as we all moved away from the blog :(

It does seem a loooong time since the days we spent lazying at Club Cabana or idling away in our houses, making sure the better things in life were experienced. Jack Daniels, the single malts, baccardis followed by Appapans superb eating ability handling anything in sight :) Not that Mechan and myself were far behind but apparently our women thought our tum-tums fell forward while Appappan hid it successfully :) And of my favs...the poker night. How the then bachelor boys beat the married couples. The more Meera stuck to Mechan, the more he drove them into debt. We tried separation and individualism at our end, but the force which 'Pappu' and 'Appu' unleashed was a bit too much. :) :)

I still think Pappu kept changing the rules as we went along. Whenever Appu took a shot at looking at the rules, he used to win as well. The lazy aquarians just tagged along whichever way the rule book went and in the end only saw money outflows.

Despite all the fights over Man U vs Arsenal it was always worth it. It is a nice thought, to sit down and ponder over those days of laughter.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Posting by email...

Strike network administation from your excuses why you cant blog!

Here is what you can do.

Reading blogs...
I have set all your accounts to recieve emails whenever a blog is published.

Publishing blogs...
Compose your blog as an email - embedded pictures, fancy HTML the whole nine yards and the title as a subject and send an email to .. voila your blog is published...

I know my bad.. I created the blog with my personal id and hence that name(not my account - i wont get spammed) is chosen as the owner to the blogs... one of those crazy quirks to blogger that i wasnt aware of...

In case you need new emails to be added, let me know I can add it. I can even create a common account as a forwarding router in case you need 4 or 5 of your accounts to be added.

You need to tell me ... tell uncle appu kuttan nair .. what is stopping you from blogging. If its IT most likely I can find a way around it...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Changing timescapes!

What is your personal key to your memories? What is that one thing that triggers a memory? As our lives course through the landscapes of time, flowing through the joys and pleasures and of course the troughs intertwining momentarily meeting beautiful people on the way it stores a lot of snapshots in our brains. Some you never even knew you held until something or someone causes you to remember it. Most often its an indicator of a certain time in your life. Everything that was part of that memory would have evolved and if you didnt have that memory, you wouldnt even think that possible. 'You' frozen in that bubble of time - your timescape.

To me it's a song! A song, of many things its meant to be is also a token of a timescape. It brings back to me thoughts of where I was when I heard that song, who I was with, what were the things that defined me then.

Friends are weird people! They show up in most timescapes and look different in different ones. Who in hell would have thought Kaatu would become a salsa dancer or Appappan would become the incorrigible bachelor or Anoop or Ganesh would become responsible family men! ...kidding. Every decision we make along the course of our lives define who we are now. And meetings with friends after a long time are a throw back to where we have been and where we could be if we made any of those choices differently.

Good to have friends! Viva la amistad!

What is your timescape trigger?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New members!

Adding Odi and Pakku to the group.

To the NSS in laws, Odi - some times randomly referred to as Preethi is the best female model ever to have walked the ramp in NSS.

Pakku or Paks - again some ignorant folks call her Sabitha,is now in her own words "proud owner" of a 36 day old baby. Congratulations on your new ownership! Here's wishing you own more and more.

Both are known for their sometimes good and almost always unbearable chalams!

So far there are two NSS in laws here - Meera and Anita.

Meera is the lucky girl who got my nod and Anita is under coaching to be inducted to the Padmanabhan family.

:-)))) I will end up with some bruises and cuts today, but it is worth it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The happening - By Kiran (Night?) Karthikeyan

It has happened!

We can glean from our trusted correspondent Anita Shekhar-[soon-to-be]padmanabhan that the program manager has been managing more than his scheduled program in office.

A random mention of this happening resulted in a hasty retort and a threat from this oldest standing bastion of unadulterated bachelorhood.

Close friends and pals are now questioning his Joe the Mo.

Will appappan come clean and set the story right? Will we be able to coax more infor from our trusted correspondent? Dark Lord Sauron Agent 007 Ganesh Padmanabhan is at work to coax more info from our correspondent.

What will happen of this nail biting, gut wrenching saga? Only time will tell...